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Traditional acupuncture uses very thin, sterile, non-hollow, single use needles. These needles are placed into the body at certain locations along the human bodies energetic pathways and fascial planes to stimulate positive change in the body.
Combining acupuncture with beneficial full spectrum light, as well as scalar energy. This allows us to carry the complete array of beneficial light waves/frequencies/information deep into the body through the acupuncture channels. Here we are using this unique light, and scalar energy, to address deficiencies in the acupuncture channels and fill them with Qi or life-force.
Moxabustion utilizes the herb “Artemisia Vulgaris” more commonly known as Mugwort. Utilizing Japanese technique, a small piece of moxa (the size of a grain of rice) is placed directly on the acupuncture point (after placing a protective ointment on the skin). The burning Moxa sends infrared heat directly into the acupuncture point to effect change and stimulate healing.
With AcuGraph testing I scientifically measure the amount of energy or life-force flowing through each of your 12 acupuncture channels. We want these channels or meridians to be balanced and free flowing in order to heal & create wellness in the body.
After measuring your 12 channels using the electro-conductivity of the skin at specific acupuncture points I will generate a bar graph which shows exactly how energy is currently flowing in your body at a foundational level.
Utilizing this individualized information, I can then put together a treatment that allows me to optimally balance your energy at at the root level.
When these imbalances are left un-addressed they will eventually show up in the body as symptoms such as dysfunction and pain, which is how our body tries to get our attention so we can address them.
It's easy, quick, and painless and will give us a clear picture as to how to address the symptoms that brought you here, as well as help prevent unseen issues from arising due to imbalances.
Gua sha is a gentle scraping technique that has been used throughout Asia for centuries. The benefits of Gua Sha are numerous. It resolves spasms and pain, and promotes normal circulation to the muscles, tissues and organs…Research has shown that Gua sha causes a 400% increase in microcirculation of surface tissue. For more info read our Gua Sha blog post.
Cupping is a technique that unlike massage, which relies on compressive force, instead utilizes the power of suction to gently decompress the tissues. Cupping promotes increased circulation & blood flow to injured tissues, optimizing muscle recovery. In addition, cupping detoxifies the injured tissues by transporting toxins and waste from the site of injury or disfunction.
Restore energetic supply to deficient acupuncture channels in the body, so that body has the beneficial Qi (electricity) it needs to heal.
Strengthen the immune system.
Relieve pain
Reduce anxiety and stress
Frequently Asked Questions About Acupuncture
Muscular Skeletal
Low Back Pain
Neck Pain
Knee Pain
Hip Pain
Plantar Fascitis
Glute Pain
Soft Tissue Injuries
Joint PainInternal Conditions
Sinusitis -
To simplify things, the human body is a beautifully designed bio-electrical system. When there is abundant, free-flowing, unimpeded bio-electricity (what we call Qi) in the body, all tissues are nourished and there is health in the body. When there is a breakdown or blockage or deficiency of bio-electricity (qi), the body is unable to repair and rebuild damaged tissues and states of dis-ease begin to settle in. Nutrition, hydration, sleep etc all have their roles in maintaining wellness, but without the bio-electric spark of life, life ceases to exist.
Above all else, our amazing bodies are designed to seek homeostasis, time and time again bringing the body back toward harmony or states of optimal health.
Acupuncture in my perspective seeks to increase the bodies electrical supply where deficient, and remove any blockages that impede the flow of life-giving Qi, thereby allowing the body to do what it was designed to do…HEAL.
The needles used in acupuncture are much thinner than the hypodermic needles most people are used to. Much like the size of a cats whisker, or thinner. Acupuncture needles are solid, single use, and sterilized. Patients usually experience very little or no sensation upon insertion of the needle, sometimes a slight tingling, dull aching or heavy sensation is felt at the needle which is actually a good thing and means we have engaged the energetic response from the body known as ”obtaining the Qi” Most new patients are surprised how relaxing and comfortable the experience is.
In addition to needles, I also incorporate Laser acupuncture in order to address the underlying energetic imbalances that we find through advanced AcuGraph digital meridian imaging.
For acute (under 3 months) pain conditions, the recommended treatment protocol is 2 treatments per week for the first 3 weeks, followed by once a week for a couple weeks. Progressing to once every other week. At this point many patients come in once a month for a “Tune-up” Some come in as needs arise. Typically results in acute conditions can be achieved in 6-10 visits.
For chronic (over 3 months) conditions, the recommended treatment protocol is 2 treatments per week for the first 3 weeks, followed by once a week for a couple weeks. Progressing to once every other week. At this point many patients come in once a month for a “Tune-up” Some come in as needs arise. Typically results in chronic conditions can take longer, but results can often be achieved in 10-15 visits.
These are ideal guidelines. Some patients come in once a week instead of 2 times a week during the first 3 weeks. Whatever works for you. Stacking visits closer together in the beginning can often help get things moving quicker. Sometimes we get results faster than the time frames above. Many factors contribute to the healing process. Lifestyle, nutrition, sleep, hydration and self care all play a role in healing time frames.
One of the fears that potential patients have with alternative medicine is that the practitioner will try to make them dependent upon coming in for regular care. My goal is not to make you dependent on care but to assist you in reaching your wellness goals. Once we achieve those goals and your body is functioning at a higher level. YOU decide what makes sense for your personal wellness going forward. That way you are in control. As always, I am here to help.
During your first visit at Humanity Acupuncture, we will begin by discussing your intake form and your current symptoms.
Next we do a full AcuGraph energy diagnostic scan to get a clear view of how energy is currently flowing in your 12 main acupuncture channels.
You will then receive a personalized acupuncture treatment based on the findings from today’s AcuGraph scan, as well as your Intake form. I will be using a combination of traditional acupuncture as well as laser acupuncture to bring your 12 main acupuncture meridians into better balance. This is to begin addressing your underlying core energetic imbalances while also addressing your current symptoms.