Adrenal Fatigue And How We Treat With Acupuncture


I am seeing a lot more people coming into the clinic these days fatigued and feeling really depleted. One possible cause for fatigue worth looking at is adrenal exhaustion. This occurs in the body due to excess stress for prolonged periods of time. We are all living such stressed out lives. Maybe we are working a lot or we have relationship issues or we have a poor diet. We all probably consume way too much caffeine through coffee or soft drinks. What can happen is, over time the constant stress causes us to get stuck in sympathetic overdrive (fight or flight) which is the function of the peripheral nervous system that prepares the body to survive a dangerous situation. When we get stuck in sympathetic dominance the body fails to regulate back to the parasympathetic state (rest and digest). The parasympathetic function of the peripheral nervous system allows your body to heal, repair, digest and procreate.

If we stay stuck in sympathetic dominance too long the Adrenal glands are forced to overwork secreting adrenaline and other hormones which cause them to become depleted or “Exhausted”. The main symptom of adrenal exhaustion is fatigue. Other symptoms may include low back pain & left knee pain.

So how do we treat adrenal fatigue with acupuncture? First we will make sure you have sufficient qi or life force energy in you Spleen/Stomach circuit since your entire endocrine system is on the Spleen/Stomach circuit. Then we target specific acupuncture points that tonify or help build back up the function of your adrenal glands. One thing you can do to help yourself, is make sure you are getting a good daily supply of vitamin C as the adrenal glands love vitamin C.

If fatigue is keeping you from doing the things you love to do, don’t hesitate to call, email or book an appointment. I am here to help and I love helping people so they can get back to living!

Proudly Serving Smithtown & Stony Brook

Stephen Longo LAc. Dipl. Ac.
Humanity Acupuncture
Stony Brook, NY


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