Stony Brook Acupuncture For Tinnitus: A Drug Free Solution To Ringing Ears
Acupuncture, Wellness, Root Canal Stephen Longo LAc. Dipl. Ac Acupuncture, Wellness, Root Canal Stephen Longo LAc. Dipl. Ac

Stony Brook Acupuncture For Tinnitus: A Drug Free Solution To Ringing Ears

Recently I had a patient who was a real interesting case study involving one very important cause of tinnitus… the teeth. They had been having high pitched tinnitus for the past 5-6 weeks. When I first examined their intake form, I noticed some things that stood out right away.

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Creating Health vs. Managing Dysfunction
Wellness, Acupuncture Stephen Longo LAc. Dipl. Ac Wellness, Acupuncture Stephen Longo LAc. Dipl. Ac

Creating Health vs. Managing Dysfunction

As we become more aware of the actual role of symptoms in the body. That is to say as a wake-up call to a deeper imbalance in your body that needs to be addressed, not a problem to be covered up or managed, we begin to see the folly of being reactive in regards to your health care

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What Are Your Symptoms Trying To Tell You?
Acupuncture, Wellness Stephen Longo LAc. Dipl. Ac Acupuncture, Wellness Stephen Longo LAc. Dipl. Ac

What Are Your Symptoms Trying To Tell You?

Most people think the current symptoms they are experiencing ARE their problem, be it pain or some other dysfunction.

So when they take a drug made form petroleum or a surgical procedure to alleviate the symptom they they think the problem is gone. Not so, they are simply masking the symptom and not dealing with the actual issue thats CAUSING their symptom (with the exception of symptoms caused by traumatic injury)

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Smithtown Acupuncture-AcuGraph Shows Where Your Symptoms Are Coming From.
Acupuncture, Wellness Stephen Longo LAc. Dipl. Ac Acupuncture, Wellness Stephen Longo LAc. Dipl. Ac

Smithtown Acupuncture-AcuGraph Shows Where Your Symptoms Are Coming From.

What if I told you there is a way to scientifically measure the amount of energy or life-force flowing through each of your 12 acupuncture channels.? What If I told you I can show you in a clear easy to read chart how energy is currently flowing in your body at a foundational level, and how this relates to your current symptoms as well as possible future symptoms that have not yet surfaced?

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