Stony Brook Acupuncture For Tinnitus: A Drug Free Solution To Ringing Ears
Recently I had a patient who was a real interesting case study involving one very important cause of tinnitus… the teeth. They had been having high pitched tinnitus for the past 5-6 weeks. When I first examined their intake form, I noticed some things that stood out right away.

What Are Your Symptoms Trying To Tell You?
Most people think the current symptoms they are experiencing ARE their problem, be it pain or some other dysfunction.
So when they take a drug made form petroleum or a surgical procedure to alleviate the symptom they they think the problem is gone. Not so, they are simply masking the symptom and not dealing with the actual issue thats CAUSING their symptom (with the exception of symptoms caused by traumatic injury)

Patient Testimonial: Neck Pain Following Car Accident
“Hello Stephen, I just wanted to reach out to you… to say thank you again. It’s now 5 days after the accident, and my neck still feels like new. All thanks to you!! “ –Theresa

Chronic Injuries or Symptoms? Not Healing? Let’s Find the Actual Cause.

The Cause Of Reflux and How We Treat With Acupuncture
Contrary to what you may have been told “Reflux” or GERD does not occur because you have too much stomach acid, rather you have too little stomach acid. In normal digestion…

Welcome to Humanity Acupuncture
Welcome to Humanity Acupuncture! My name is Stephen. Acupuncture is an ancient energy medicine that enables your body to do what it was always designed to do… to heal and to thrive. At Humanity Acupuncture it’s my goal to take these ancient healing modalities and combine them with modern acupuncture techniques, as well as a paradigm shifting way of looking and thinking about the human body, to assist you not only in your current healing but in creating lasting vitality in your body going forward.

Why Try Acupuncture Before Drugs and Surgery
I often find that when people come in for their first acupuncture treatment, we are usually their last resort. They’ve tried drugs, they’ve tried surgery and they are still in chronic pain (whether it be low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain or knee pain). They are still experiencing digestive complaints like reflux, IBS, stomach pain, belching. They are still hounded by relentless anxiety and stress, and they haven’t gotten the results or relief they originally sought. What I want to suggest is beginning to think about coming in for acupuncture first, before drugs and before surgery.

A System As Elegantly Designed As The Human Body…
A system as elegantly designed as the human body desrves an elegant medicine.

Delicious, Warming, Red Thai Curry. Good For What Ails You!
Now that we are in the thick of winter, everyone is in need of a nutritious, hearty, warming, one pot meal. Not only is this one of my all time favorite go-to recipes when I want something easy and super yummy, it’s absolutely awesome when you are just starting to feel a cold coming on.
Why I Chose To Become An Acupuncturist.
I’m often asked what led me to become an acupuncturist. Most of us have come to this beautiful, ancient medicine through some sort of personal ordeal. My story is no different…

Stony Brook Acupuncture For Anxiety– A Drug-Free Approach To Mental Wellness
Experience holistic stress and anxiety management through advanced acupuncture treatments that blend traditional techniques with modern diagnostic precision. Our tailored approach calms and regulates the nervous system for optimal results. At Humanity Acupuncture, we specialize in providing advanced anxiety management acupuncture treatments designed to both calm and regulate the nervous system.

It’s Not What You Eat, It’s What You Digest. 3 Easy Tips To Ignite Digestion.
The energy that we take into our bodies through the air we breathe, the food & beverages that we consume, is so vital for nourishing the existing life force which was gifted to us at birth. Taking in the proper nutrients is one thing, transforming and utilizing them is something else.

Your Low Back Pain Might Not Be Coming From Your Spine…
Low back pain is something we see a lot of as acupuncturists, and equally as common is the patients belief that their pain is coming from their spine. Patients may have gotten an X-ray or MRI and the results showed that they have some degeneration of this or that vertebra, or a bulging disc and therefore that is the reason they are in excruciating pain…